sabato 6 maggio 2006

Sergio in Giappone

Sergio became a prince in the Edo period - this is a theme park called Nikko Edomura. Sergio was a quiet good audience but somehow he got a kind of punishment(for him). They tend to target at foreigners to make things fun or funny. So this wasn't his first time to do. He had to try to act as a Samurai at Oedo Onsen in Odaiba before.
I always enjoy to be a sudden groupie of his but he just can't relax when it comes time to need someone!

The second one is not for a show. Sergio joined some local festival and dressed up as a warrior from Kamakura period. He looks gallant and manly in the costume and much more cooler than the previous one :)

2 commenti:

upupa ha detto...

ma secondo te posso lasciare commenti su delle foto del genere? boh!!


upupa ha detto...

Ma cos'era la thè cerimonia?
Io sono stata ad una "thè cerimonia" verso Castrocaro Terme, bellissimo!!!!
Senti, quando torni in Italia mi porti un pò del thè in polvere che diventa VERDE tipo assenzio e si fa con acqua calda e utensile/"schiumino" fatto con canna di bambù tagliata che divendano tanti fili?